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Our Team





"Big Red" and Jenna

Shawna and Cookie


Dad is one of my biggest supporters and my Car Chief - he's got the money, some know-how, some time and lots of friends who know how to do what he doesn't!!  He started our team with his Dad when he drove the 10s Street Stock at the old East Windsor Speedway. He started racing with his dad, just like me!  After a year off, Dad is now a trustee for GSQMRC. I have a feeling he will be an officer for years to come - after all, I have 3 more years at this (and Shanon has 4).  I can't do this without him.

Dad also got to get back on the race track in 2017 and will continue to do so this upcoming season - thanks to our sponsor - Nicole's Auto Parts - he will be racing 4 cylinders at Wall Stadium most weekends for 2019.

Beanstalk started racing at GSQMRC in 2007.  He raced there, Oaklane, Honeybrook, Michigan and Georgia.  He knows a LOT about how to make the cars go fast on the track!  He's my tire specialist, my Crew Chief, my cheerleader and my critic.  He also helps out many other drivers at the track every week.   He makes racing a lot of fun; but he's always sure to remind me when it is time to get down to business.  I love having him at the track with me; it's really special that he works so hard with his school assignments at NJIT so that he can be with me every week.

Travis is also part of dad's and Nicole's crews most weekend at Big Wall.  Soon he should be joining the racing side of the Razzano team.

He works as a Junior architect for our sponsor Brick City Reconstruction and is designing all kinds of buildings.

Big Red (can you tell where I get my nickname from) started racing at GSQMRC in 2007.  He raced there, Honeybrook and Michigan.  He's most 'famous' for rolling his car at the Grands in Michigan - and having the belly pan show "Hi Mom"!!  

Trevor doesn't really work much on my race cars these days as he and his fiancee, Jenna, have moved to New Hampshire.  They're getting married next May - but they are always watching Facebook and texting with mom to see how Cookie and I are doing.


My big sister, Shawna, and my little sister, Cookie, both have tried racing. Shawna wasn't thrilled; Cookie is back and now has her own page here on the website...she had 9 feature wins in 2017 - including a TURKEY DERBY WIN!!

They also support me by being there, by helping me get my school work done and by being my cheerleaders.  Also, Shawna helps out with other things at the track - she works the scorers tower and really helps keep it sane up there when she's able to come. We really are one big racing family!!

Mom is my number one cheerleader, chef, cheerleader, banker and all the other titles she wears.  She doesn't understand much about making the cars go, but she knows it takes a lot of heart.  And she makes sure I take care of my problems so that I can do my best in the car.  Mom does some of the publicity for GSQMRC, but more importantly to us, she does mega publicity work for US!  I couldn't do this without her, either.

If you are interested in sponsoring me in any way, it's her that you should reach out to!

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