Banquet and other news...
2019 Weekend Updates
We finished up the 2019 season on Sunday - with our annual banquet!!
Shanon took 7th overall in the Senior Honda points championship this year. She has some things to continue to improve on but she could get herself in the top 5 for 2020 if she puts some foot in it.
Thomas took 4th in his Light 160 points race - the car was finally coming in as the season closed. He took second in his Senior Animal and grabbed 1 win for the season - the car needs some work to actually be competitive. And, of course, he took the points championship in Senior Honda with 6 wins, a few perfect points days and the trophy race win. The crew continues to work on the car to get it faster and the driver more consistent.
We, again, thank ALL of our sponsors - Brick City Reconstruction, NY Construction, Stone Creek Shepherds, AL G' S ROADHOUSE BAND and Al George and Miss Alice Meyer, Nicole's Auto Sales LLC. and Chuck, Heidi and Nicole Razzano; JoAnn Bruns, Grandma (Phyllis Schwarz), Pap, Bill Panzich, Duane Davis, Christina Ganzer Zambri, Gina Walker and probably a few other people who have sent things, etc.
We hope you are all proud of us and that we continue to represent you well for the upcoming 2020 season.
If anyone knows ANYONE that would be interested in sponsoring us, please reach out.
We also have some information for you - not only can we use sponsors, so can our sponsor, JoAnn, for the foundation she has started in her husband Bill's memory:
Please go to William T. Bruns-Foundation on Facebook and like their page. This foundation is in honor and memory of our long time sponsor and supporter, JoAnn Bruns's husband Bill. They will be providing fishing and hunting licenses and other things fishing related to local high school student in their hometown area of Tillamook, Oregon. Please consider, if you are looking for a place to donate to help youth in our country, this foundation. Bill was an avid fisherman - it's such a fabulous way to honor him!
Our Perfect Vision season for 2020 begins with the Garden State Classic April 17-19th. A more complete schedule will be posted when it is ready. Here's to another great season coming up!!
I WON THE SENIOR HONDA POINTS CHAMPIONSHIP in my Brick City Reconstruction Senior Honda!! And I went out of the season with a BANG!! I led all 50 laps (20 heat, 30 A main), got my 4th perfect score of the season, and my 6th win in Sr Honda.
Cookie finished the season 7th in points....not bad considering she had to miss 3 weeks due to injuries. She came back this past week and finished 8th in her heat and 9th in the A main. She ran pretty good - especially considering she just got her splint off her wrist 3 days before AND got ran over at the start/finish line on lap 1 of the A main (like, really RAN OVER - she had a tire mark on her arm and a bruise on her shoulder because the other car drove INTO her cage).
As for my other divisions: I finished the Sr Animal points season in a solid second and had 1 win on the season. For Light 160, we didn't fair so well and I ended up 4th in points to a really good top 3.
This weekend coming up we will be closing out the season with our club's annual Turkey Derby race. We'll get to have Thanksgiving dinner Friday night, run 2 sets of heat races on Saturday, and finish with the mains on Sunday. Travis will get a chance to race again, too, because we will hold our alumni races on Sunday.
If you have the chance, come out and see us!!

Mom has been a
little lax on here:
You won't believe this
Well, mom here - I've been awful at making sure we are keeping up with this for this season, and, here we are, with two regular season races left for the year and a whole lot of exciting things have happened. So, here we go, in no particular order:
We went to Darlington for the NASCAR races like we always do - but with a twist: We brought our quarter midgets and raced the national event in the parking lot next to the Track Too Tough to Tame. And boy did the quarter midget track they made live up to that name!!! We had a rough first heat and then George (Jackson White's dad) came over and gave Travis some tips. That helped the other cars. Shanon and I were both in the D main for Senior Honda and didn't transfer out - I was going for a transfer spot when a car wrecked me; and the race ended under time after only 6 laps. I transferred up in my Light 160 and just missed getting into the B main as the X car. The Animal didn't have a good week. On the cool side of things - Cookie got to go our on stage for the Xfinity race with one of the drivers (on the bad side of that - the driver was rude; didn't walk with her and the other driver; and didn't even show up at this car while they were there for the National Anthem; on the good side of that - she smiled big and hob-knobbed with the dignitaries on stage AND saw our buddy Chris Puskas from Penske Racing on pit road.
In the meantime, back at our own track - I have won three more times in my Senior Honda and am in the points race for the first time ever. Shanon has had some bad luck but had been improving the last few weeks. She is, however, out for now with a broken wrist that she got while playing with our puppy, Darlington. My other cars are slowly improving and it looks like I have second in points wrapped up in Senior Animal. Light 160 has been really tough with a lot of good competitors and I'm not sure I will even crack the podium in that division.
Dad's regular season ended this past Saturday. He's had to drive the back up Civic most of the last 2 months or so. Even with so much less horsepower than the other cars out there, he has managed a couple of top 10s, led a few heat laps and finished 8th in points in the 4 cylinder division for the season. His teammate, Nicole, finished 5th for the season which is really awesome considering her car has not been working right since around the second race of the season.
Stay tuned for more updates - Mom promises to get on here more often!!!
One last thing - not related to our racing but still about us - Lil Red got his first speaking role for a middle school production; he will be Eugene in the FMS Players production of Grease: School Edition. And, to make it even better - Cookie will be in her first FMS Players production as a member of the ensemble.

Life has been crazy since May.... I had a lot of school work to do; as did Cookie. Mom was busy wrapping up her school year and we took a weekend off from the race track to go camping (and for me to pass my swim test for Boy Scout Camp and Aquacamporee!
But, there was something WAY MORE EXCITING THAN ANY OF THIS!
First, on June 2nd, Cookie and I participated in our Senior Honda Trophy Race. She finished in the top 5 and, as for me, well - I WON!!! I WON A TROPHY RACE!!! Our first trophy race win as a team in the THIRTEEN YEARS we've been racing!! It was so exciting - the second place finisher (JoeJoe) and I battled hard and clean. It was a 50 lap race and I lead about 46 laps of it!! I was so excited...our whole family was so excited!! And, the car I was driving, my newly sponsored Brick City Reconstruction Senior Honda Bullrider (formerly owned by Pat, Kim and Ethan Brown), was the car that I was 'hired' to drive last year and that we have since been in the process of buying. To top it off - the Browns came to the track and were there when I won!!
The next weekend we went camping and swimming and tried a little relaxation.
Then we were in to Friday night racing. And, guess what? I came back and won AGAIN!!!! Two in a row for me actually competing. Cookie didn't have a very good night. And, unfortunately, neither did I in my Senior Animal and Light 160.
Last week, Friday, June 28th, was our last day of school - and our second night of Friday Night Lights at GSQMRC. I finished third in my Senior Animal and then came our Senior Honda race. On Friday nights we do a 'double' - 20 laps for heat race, three minute break, 30 laps for A main. I won the heat race and, while she finished 5th, Cookie held second place for more than half the heat. I led the entire 30 laps of the A main and came away with my third win of the season - and a perfect points night of 100. Cookie finished 5th in the A main - that good ol' paper finish!
We are off this weekend as the National event for USAC25 is happening at Indianapolis. Next week is a Friday Night Lights race...but I will still be at Scout camp. Travis and mom are going to work hard to get Cookie there to race.
The next race I have will be July 21st - and it will be a trophy race for the 160 - hopefully we can get all the bugs worked out of that car and get it moving like the Senior Honda.
One last thing... if you are interested in helping Cookie and me get to Darlington to race at our dream track, please check out our t-shirt fundraiser - you help us AND you get a really cool shirt.
Thanks for all of . your support!!
Regular Show:
Garden State Classic
It was an 'interesting' weekend for us at Schwarz Racing - it included the tow vehicle for the 4 cylinder breaking down on the way to the track Friday night (thank you Chuck Razzano, Heidi Shaw and Nicole's Auto Sales LLC. for the loaner so racing could happen). Saturday was a beautiful, sunny but breezy day at the Big Track.... the car engine is running better and the crew has some ideas on how to get it to handle better, too - a respectable 13th (thought the results say 15th we know he was not last) place finish for the Dad Bill. Nicole did a great job with her car as she had some things going on with hers - but man did she wheel it and keep it going. Today we were at Lil Wall and, both Senior Honda and Light 160 started off promising for Lil Red. After a chain issue in the heat for Sr Honda, he was fighting for 1st in the main when he wrecked with the leader. Had to come in to the pits and was sent to the back; this also UNLAPPED Cookie! So she actually started in front of him. He worked his way back through but couldn't quite get to first. He finished 2nd and she finished FOURTH!!! on the lead lap and ran her fastest times ever! So, even though it wasn't a win, it was a pretty good race for us. Those Brick City Reconstruction Sr Hondas are looking quite good these days!
Light 160 looked even better, at first - Lil Red took the lead and, after getting hit under yellow and having his tailcone knocked around, he stayed out and finished with the cone looking like a parachute from a drag car - in first. While leading, his left rear went down - decision was made to bring him in under caution - which sent him to the back. While working his way back through the field, he was shoved into the breakers and his chain popped off. After looking it over, the decision was made to end his run. He finished 4th.
We are off for Memorial Day weekend from both tracks - the next weekend we have Arrive and Drive at our track (hey, got a kid that wants to see what this is really all about? Contact us - we can help you!), dad has Twins at Big Wall for his 4 cylinder and Cookie and Lil Red have their Honda Trophy Race that Sunday. Come out and cheer them on!!
Please continue to spread the word about qm racing - and, to be sure, we are STILL looking for more sponsorship for this season and beyond. The drivers are so looking forward to making it do Darlington to run a national race; as well as going back to Florida for the Little 500 in December. PLEASE tell your friends, family and anyone who runs a business that might want so GOOD publicity to reach out to us. Mom works HARD to make sure our sponsors see Social Media time as well as being visible at the track!!
Started off rough....
Cookie was the slowest of the Senior Hondas...though a 'tad' faster than last year's timing...
Lil Red's Senior Honda was hooked up and he qualified in third fastest
Animal was booking along on the first lap when our crew chief told them to black flag Lil Red - the car chief forgot to put the oil cap back on and it had blown off; thankfully the crew chief saw it - otherwise, we'd have been in for a couple thousand for a new engine....this put him at the back of the field
Light 160 was 5th fastest and some work was done....
Heat races were okay....
Our A main finishes for the day:
Senior Honda:
Cookie - 6th - not last!! And when they checked the micron she had run her fastest laps ever - under 8 seconds She did all of that with an engine that was, somewhere, leaking some oil. We will be tearing down and checking everything over during our off week so she will be all set for the 28th!
Lil Red - 3rd - he had been 2nd most of the race and, after a THIRD restart with 7 to go, he slipped up just enough for the next three cars to slide through. However, unlike last year when he would have just given up, he made it back up to third and was closing on 2nd when the checkers flew....
Senior Animal:
Lil Red finished 3rd in his division; 4th in the race.... car is just 'not right' but he drove the wheels off of it. More work and adjustments and he'll be running up front.
Light 160:
Well, he was in the top 4 most of the race; even made a great move to get into second before a caution came out. And then the car would not go. Brought him in the pits and worked on it; finally looked in gas tank - it was empty. Turned out, there was a hole in the fuel line... . So he finished 7th - also not last. All repaired and ready to go for a regular race weekend on the 28th.
It was a pretty good weekend for us considering how poorly our classics have gone before. Senior Honda and Light 160 know he was there.... we'll get the bugs worked out of that Animal yet. And, as for Cookie - this was her first Senior race that she was only one lap down at the end - and she ran really, really well...
We're off until the 28th.
PS . The dad's opening night was Saturday night; with a myriad of problems he ended up 12th - also not last .
2018 Banquet
We are excited to welcome our new headlining sponsor as well as a new secondary sponsorship!
First, our new headliner - BRICK CITY RECONSTRUCTION!! Brick City Reconstruction is a decade old New Jersey based design-build firm. Founded in 2005 the firm has worked on a vast array of projects in the Tri-State area including Brick City Bar and Grill in Newark. They are currently one of the top ranked architectural firms out of Newark, NJ
Our second sponsor is NY Construction Services also out of Newark, NJ.
We will post more information on both firms as we move through the next few weeks of the off-season. Please join us in welcoming them to the team!

Yesterday we celebrated our 2018 GSQMRC season. While it wasn't everything we hoped for, considering what all we went through with mom's accident, it wasn't too bad in the end. I finished 12th in Senior Honda points (even with not having enough races to be a part of the ceremony). But, in my regular divisions, I ended up 4th in Senior Animal - I just couldn't get that going near the end of the season; we'll be doing some work on the engine and set-ups during the off season. And, most importantly for myself and our team, I ended up back on the podium after a year away. In Light 160, my first year racing this division, I earned a third place points finish!! My little sister, Cookie, earned 7th place in Senior Honda!! She did a great job and got better and faster as the year went along. Her few laps in Florida looked really good and we are all hoping it's a sign of things to come.