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Schwarz Racing Weekly Updates 2021 Season

World Formula Trophy Day....











So, our day didn't start off too badly....

I qualified third fastest and team realized we need a different gearing....

Cookie got second in her Heavy Honda heat after leading most of the race - she really should have won but she got squirrelly when she got bumped

Then in the Heavy 160 heat, I got first and she came in a good, clean, fast second

Great start, right?

Well..... as per usual for our days on Trophy Race weekends - I sideswiped the wall and my chain broke (sigh).... got into the pits and they got it back on - only to have another handler stick his hand in and knock it back off as he was trying to help get the car back to the ground; since we only get 5 yellow flag laps to get a wrecked/broken car back on track, I was done for the race and ended up last...... 

Cookie would have had a better Heavy Honda than third but the eventual winner took her out coming to the green.  They got her going again, but the car just didn't run like it had in the heat - turned out - the right rear shock broke during the wreck.... little hard to drive a car that way - but she did it like a champ....

Then the Heavy 160 race came - I stormed out the gates and was leading with 13 to go....when I smacked the wall and stopped on the track.... started last and moved up to second - but pussy-footed around (mom's words) and made no real attempt to pass the leader (well, they think I didn't)....then, at the checkers, no one is quite sure what I did but I spun and went across the start/finish line backwards - still got second; Cookie was far enough behind in third that she avoided my mess at the line - and, thus, we were 2 and 3 for that one....

A disappointing end to what started off as a pretty good day....

We're off for the next 3 weeks; Trick or Treat race will be on Halloween; then the season finale will be the following weekend for our Turkey Derby


Mom here now..... so, it was a 'bad' day....but then another handler sent us a picture; I won't post it because I don't have permission from that handler....but it is a picture of our very frustrated driver walking into Victory Lane to congratulate the Heavy 160 winner on his first win of the season (there may have been a little prompting from the crew chief but the driver tells me he was going anyway)....the message with the photo said "I have an amazing amount of respect for your son! Even after driving his ass off to try to get the win, he came up to congratulate Matthew on his 1st win of the year!  That's a great boy you have right there!  A competitor on track and a good friend off."  You see that, that right there?  That's why we do this for them - they're living their dreams; and becoming some darned fine human beings in the process. 


Raising awareness...and
our last Friday Night Lights of  2021

September 24 - last FNL of the season


The world formula just wasn't 'there' tonight - we know where the issue is and have already started on what needs to be 'fixed'. I'm going to leave it at that for this team gave me a LOT to think about this week, and the crew chief has some work to do on Saturday (he's off working on his own car as I type this Sunday morning)...

In Heavy Honda, Cookie was slow to start and was in the back when the leaders wrecked with about 3-5 laps to go. This put her in second on the start and, while she probably had enough to get to the leader, she held her spot and finished 2nd - a great finish for her. We've reminded her she IS faster...and to go for it! But really excited for her finish and gave a big congratulations to Bo on his win!

The 160's were interesting, and, at the beginning, Cookie led a couple of laps before I came through and took over first. Her car was quite a handful and the crew chief got it dialed in a little better over the course of the race. She finished 4th and I took the checkers after taking the lead in a very spirited battle.

Even better - I put my 160 that has the 51 on it in memory of Sean Gallagher - who, as you may have seen if you are on the Book of Face, is who we were racing in honor of last night to help raise money for suicide awareness. I've included the link here again - as of last evening (September 23, 2021), we had exceeded our goal to help Dawn, Patrick and Kiernan in the Jersey Shore Walk today. Please consider helping us help them to help others 









Next week is a Sunday race and I have my World Formula Trophy Race....

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Cookie's birthday
race....and we add a car...

September 19


So, let me tell you.....

Friday my crew chief came home and started putting the engine back in the World Formula.... dark came; then he, I, Cookie and mom watched some racing; we went to up, had breakfast from DD....and he and I went back to work on the cars.... you know how we race 2 cars for each driver? WELLLLLLLLLL.....

Cookie's Heavy Honda field only had two cars registered....despite some pleas online, no one was signing up - SOOOOOOOO - my crew chief, with mom's blessing, rebuilt one of my cars we are trying to sell, popped in the engine, begged and got up-to-date seatbelts to borrow.... and then also worked on the other 3 cars (her heavy Honda and both Heavy 160 cars)..... We spent 7 hours - lots of blood, sweat and tears AND $100 for a new drill when the old one broke in the middle of drilling holes for the new belly pan for my Heavy 160 (I forgot to tell you all that, in my last race in THAT car, I came off the track and had been, basically, riding on the asphalt).....

Got to the track this morning and the 4 of us (Cookie, mom, Travis and me) spent 2 more hours finishing putting those cars together..... with a little parts help from a couple of friends.  I DO NOT KNOW HOW HE DID IT - but that crew chief of mine pulled off the miracle and got ALL FIVE CARS ON TRACK!!!!!

Unfortunately, in the first race out with the newly rebuilt World Formula Engine, I got hit from behind on the start and it tore off my left rear tire.....not fixable in time to get out for the heat race; but I did get out for the A main and finished 2nd....

In the Heavy Honda heat, sister beat out brother as she finished second and me third (she also punted me once and got the call; and then she 'put me in the wall' because she thought she was clear).  In the A main, we had a pretty spirited battle going on when the hub on the right front wheel broke - ended her day.  TWO LAPS early...I came in second in that one for my only Heavy Honda race of the year

Last race of the heats (and then the A mains) was the Heavy 160 race.  Her car was just not working right - and while she told them WHAT was happening, she did it in such a way that they ended up 'fixing' the car in the wrong direction - she would finish both races in 4th.  I won the heat race hands down, but, after a call in the A main, it took me a bit to get around one driver and then just couldn't get to the leader to pass for the win.

To give a countdown:

Heavy Honda - 2nd in heat; 3rd in A main
Heavy 160 - 4th in heat; 4th in A main

Lil Red:
World Formula - 5th in heat; 2nd in A main
Heavy Honda - 3rd in heat; 2nd in A main (PS - I thought I was doing the right thing and, on the restart with 2 laps left, I didn't 'go for it' since it wasn't my regular division; my whole crew let me know this was not how to do it)
Heavy 160 - 1st in heat; 2nd in A main

A year ago - we would have been THRILLED with these it was kind of disappointing....

We have Friday Night Lights this week; Sunday the following weekend (Tommy's World Formula Trophy Race); then the last Sunday of October is the last points race.... Tommy probably doesn't have a shot for either championship but...we'll be going for wins....

Jay Butler 
...the usual...



Mom, again - Lil Red is just too disappointed over this one to even think about typing up his report (much like most of our Jay Butler weekends go....


each driver only ran one car.....

No....wait....this isn't true......

Cookie ran her Heavy Honda....she got third in her heat after being wrecked; 10th in a 12 car A main after being wrecked....she stayed on the lead lap in the A main - great accomplishment against a LOT of heavy heaters (and too many cars on the track)....

Lil Red was set to go after his car was torn down and had the set-up fixed (some things had moved/small breaks/etc from being put into the wall several times his last few races)...went to push off; engine seized......

He spent his whole weekend to do - NOTHING....

The Dad finished 7th in his 4 cylinder.....

This will be an expensive week - probably at least $700 for the engine (if it can be fixed) plus 2.5 hour drive there and back twice..... (see not on a previous weekend about when this damage likely occurred)

I'm tired..... mentally drained 

Cookie has a night...while mom has to watch at home

August 20 - FNL


Mom, tonight, as I am watching from home since big sis is feeling a LOT under the weather tonight….


It’s a ‘win’…. least in our book


Cookie got a third tonight in Heavy Honda....not like her last one where there were only 3 cars; she LEGIT led some laps; got spun and put to the back; and passed for THIRD on the last lap after battling for the spot for the last 5 or so!




She followed that with ANOTHER LEGIT THIRD PLACE....was running second much of the race; Lil Red passed her....she ran third and the 4th place car passed her with 2 to go when they were getting lapped... SHE PASSED HIM BACK AT THE LINE!!!


I can't believe I am not there to hug her!!!


And then….


She absolutely got smothered! (My response to a friend who said ‘poor kid…she’s going to get smothered when she gets home)


And her crew chief said the cars still weren't 'right'.....


But MAN, what a confidence builder to RACE with her brother (they went back and forth criss-crossing for two laps early on and she 'beat' him out; then he caught back up to her and passed her pretty quickly with like 6 or 7 to go...


She did REALLY well - it's the week she needed (she also had one of her buddies there -  so that was awesome that he can go to school and tell everyone what she does)


Lil Red got a 2nd (the race with her) and a 3rd in the World Formula.  Crew chief is currently at his car owners putting the engine in HIS 4-cylinder race car after working on the Car chief's car 4 cylinder race car this morning.


August 6 - FNL


So, it looked like it was going to be a very looooonnnnnggggg  night - and in some ways, it really was....


To start: our blue rookie class had enough drivers that we had to do two heats and a B main (not our usual FNL schedule) that took some extra time....


Then our Junior Animals had a crazy race....


Then it was time for the World Formulas and one of the drivers couldn't even go out for the heat race because HIS DAD FORGOT TO PUT A BOLT BACK IN HIS STEERING ROD - yeah, THAT could have ended badly.  I started second but just couldn't stay out front and ended up third.... with the redraw (the winner picks a numbered popsicle stick to determine starting positions for the feature), I started on pole and was out front a few, then passed then, as I was being passed again I got pushed wide and suddenly the car stopped.  My crew chief went out to push me off - and pushed me straight off the track.  Seems the brake line somehow ended up touching the exhaust and MELTED!  Fortunately, when I went to tap the brake to help 'settle' the car and, instead of it 'tapping' it went straight to the floor - so I shut off the car!  Ended in 4th there.


Cookie didn't have a great Heavy Honda Heat but came in and some adjustments were made and she, through the redraw, started on pole - and TOOK OFF!  She was half a straightaway ahead, and pulling away, when one of the boys wrecked.... on the restart, she got pushed up and, instead of fighting for it, let them all go.   She did stay on the lead lap and we've had several long talks with her about not letting them do that - she OBVIOUSLY has a car fast enough to run with them; she just needs to stop letting them go.


For Heavy 160, Cookie also stayed on the lead lap but finished 4th.  I got second in the heat and first in the A main!!!   


As for points races: it looks like I pretty much has second locked up in the 160; and World is a fight for it all..... only 2 divisions of the 7 points divisions aren't already decided - and World is one of them..... I’m 10 points out....but another good week (unlike this week), will pull me back closer..... 


No pictures this week - the Crew Chief takes them with snapchat - and snapchat deleted it.  


Christmas in July - July 30 - FNL


So our race day got all jumbled up when mama had to take our big sister Shawna to the ER after a visit to an Urgent Care.....


Dad was already at the track so he came back and picked us up - we all were so busy with what was going on that we never ate; well, except Cookie - because she brought her own money (maybe I should stop spending all my money on 1:64 cars so I have food money on these rare occasions that mom can’t come - naw, never…)


Cars were worked on and racing started:


I really was not 'with it' in my World Formula and finished 2nd....however, there was a bit of drama getting to that point.  The driver that wrecked me last week is in the points lead - and only 3 cars were signed up - so the father of that driver pulled him out of the race (if there are only 2 cars, they don't race AND there are no points). So my crew chief went to the other family who has been racing that division (but not the last few weeks) and asked them to race - and, because of another circumstance - they did it.  So the other kid gets no points and my 96 points eliminates another bad score.  They take the top 10 points races to determine the season ending winner.


Cookie got wrecked on lap o#@ of her Heavy Honda race.... boys (I’m allowed to say this since I am one) being dumb and she had nowhere to go.... flipped the car....she was fine - but every piece they had just replaced had to be replaced again - so she missed the rest of the heat and they did get her out for the feature; car wasn't great but she ran - got 5th


Our last race is the Heavy 160 - her car was completely loose and mine ended up with a right front broken shock - so a third for me and 4th for her....


Time to regroup during the week and get back out there on Friday night.  I am so thankful for my crew chief (and big brother) as he is always giving up his time to help make us better!  Dad, too.


July 23 - FNL


Mom, again, today - because I’m pretty sure Lil Red won’t be as polite about this as I am (and I’m not going to be very polite….LOL)


Cookie - 5th Heavy Honda; 4th Heavy 160.... she was not 'on it' this week..... she did have a headache when we arrived at the track....


Lil Red - 2nd in Heavy 160; 3rd in World Formula - HE came home with over $400 worth of damage to both cars.  The 160 damage was caused by - HIS SISTER washing up the track on the start...he still finished the race with a bent front axle and/or spindle - would have likely won without that.  The World, however, has the most extensive damage because he was intentionally stuffed into the wall on the start of the A main - no call was made but it really didn’t matter because he was unable to compete after the hit he took


So, here is the video..... start of the A main for World Formula - told Lil Red we may just have to put our gopros up around the track to catch all of the shenanigans - including the fact that the kid who wrecked him flipped him off!


















ETA - we found out several weeks later that this wreck likely did the internal damage to the engine that we would find - $650 later….


July 16 - FNL


Mom here (since Lil Red wasn’t at the track)


So, while both of Cookie’s finishes were 4th places in the A Mains, it in NO WAY shows what she accomplished last night....


In her Heavy Honda, she didn't do well in the heat race; then she started on pole (again) in the A main and led - FIFTEEN LAPS.... the last of her leading laps was after crossing over the 'big banana' in that division....he passed her back going into one very cleanly....the next car put her in the wall.... both cars had to come in for repairs....she was able to hang on and finish the race - on the lead lap....the other kid broke his car enough that, while he did come back out, he didn't finish the race.  In her Heavy 160 the crew chief made adjustments and the car ended up too loose.... she did a good job....


If you would like to see her should be able to go to 3:24 of the video below - that is her Heavy Honda race


Next week both drivers will be back in full force (Lil Red is on his way home from Scout camp - 7 merit badges in hand, probably 10 pounds lighter from the heat and being sick, and already texting me about stuff.... )





Friday Night Lights July 9


So, it was touch and go about racing with Elsa and the evening weather forecast (and we did have a short rain delay after the first 3 races of the evening)....but we got it all in (with the exception of Cookie's Heavy Honda... 2 drivers were on vacation but three were signed up; then one got sick; then the other didn't want to race just two people since it didn't count for points)


Anyhoo..... I raced first for the team - in my World Formula.  I got second in the heat race and then came out and took command in the A main - won the race by a 1/4 track.... win #5 in that car for the season....














Then the rain delay.....


Then a few more races and the Heavy 160 race came out.... Again I took a commanding lead in both heat and A main and never looked back.  Cookie had an ill-handling car that she handled well AND stayed on the lead lap in both the heat and A main, finishing with a podium finish for the first time this season....


Next Friday it will just be Cookie racing as I will still be at Boy Scout Camp (Have to be sure to be well-rounded in this world)…. of course, Travis and mom have to figure out how to get her cars there first as the mom can't drive the current tow vehicle - and the other tow vehicle is at camp.... 

july 9 1.png

Friday Night Lights Begins

This week began our Friday Night Lights 'Twins' race format.  What does that mean, you ask?  It means that each division goes out and runs their heat (for our divisions 20 laps) then pulls into the pits for three minutes; no tire changes; can work on minor things on the cars; and the winner picks a stick to see how many, if any, cars invert.  Then we go out for the A main (for our divisions 30 laps).


My World was just not 'on it' this week and I finished third in both races.  We're going to have to figure out something with tires as it just isn't going to be good for two weeks on a set. :(


Cookie didn't have a great night in her Heavy Honda and finished 4th in both heat and A main.


The Heavy 160 race was a hard one.  I finished 2nd and Cookie got 4th - but she was wheeling her car and looked really good this week in this division.


We are off for the Independence Day Holiday and will be back in action on Friday night, July 10th.

June 20
160 Trophy Races


Good morning Race Fans!!


Finally getting into this place to update you about the season.  Thought I should start with the most recent racing - yesterday - and then fill in the beginning of the season; this way, it will look like all the previous seasons.


Cookie and I had our 160 Trophy races this past weekend.  It started off fabulous as Cookie qualified 4th and I got fast time with a 7.149.  That happiness didn't last too long as, somehow, I came across the scales .3 pounds underweight; so my time was disallowed and I was DQ'ed for qualifying and had to start last for the A main.  We went back to the trailer and added three pounds - just to be safe.  Cookie's redraw, after her time being moved up to 3rd fastest, put her back in 4th anyway - which sucks because that 4th starting position is one of the toughest to start from at our track.  I got from last to second fairly quickly.  Cookie spun a total of three times (we're ALL still trying to figure out her new chassis) and that ended her day.  After the last one, I tried chasing down the leader but just never felt I had the ooomph to get there.  While second was disappointing, mom reminded us that we don't usually do very well at trophy races (we have a win but very few other podiums in our 15 years doing this), we'll take it; and we will work to get more wins (and to get Cookie moving).


After that race, I had my World Formula race (as you will find out if you read further once it is ALL here, I've been doing pretty good in this car).  I started second on the outside and took the lead at the green - then never gave it up. This was win #4 on the season for this division.


Cookie has been improving in her Heavy Honda all season....and she did a really nice job in her heat race even if her 'finishing position' didn't show it.  She started the A main in 4th and got wrecked at the green flag.  Unfortunately, after wrecking, an old problem re-showed it's ugly face and her car just WOULD NOT START!  So, unfortunately, she got a DNF for the day in her best car.


We move to Friday Night Lights for the summer starting this Friday.  Racing starts at 7 PM for anyone interested in coming!!  Masks are not needed as we are an outdoor event - and the Food Shack is open.  Admission, as always, is free!!!

Mom updates for the opening of the season

June 13 


So, I'm going to start with Cookie!  Wow!! What a Heavy Honda day she had!!!

First - she led 9 laps of her heat race; got passed by the points leader (who, to date, has perfect 100 scores for every race day) THEN CROSSED HIM OVER AND PASSED HIM BACK!! She's the FIRST to actually PASS HIM in a race this year!  Unfortunately, it didn't stick and she settled into second.  Then someone spun and there was a restart and she got passed on the last lap ending up in third.  She started third in the A main and, after a temporary move into 2nd, settled back into third..... there was a late race caution and she WENT FOR IT!!  She made a pass for 2nd but, unfortunately, the car washed out towards the wall and both other cars passed her.  She was SO DISAPPOINTED with her 4th place finish (she was catching but there were less than a handful of laps left on the restart).  We were so proud of her!!  We ALL told her it was better to get 4th having TRIED to move up, than to just sit and ride in 3rd!!

Her Heavy 160 is getting a little better - she only got lapped once and it was very late in the 30 lap race..... and it was by her brother only.....

So, in case you missed it, Lil Red won with a DIFFERENT car this week - he brought his Heavy 160 home in first - despite the other cars having new tires for the A main (yes, you read that correct, now they are getting new tires for EVERY RACE - both heats and A mains - compared to our 2-3 week old tires.  Somehow we have to get some more sponsorship to get new ones more often  ).  This was his first win in the 160 this year.....












As for his World Formula, he got beat by those new tires (worth at least a tenth a lap).... he came home with a second.... we'll take it, but we've got to figure out something to stay in this

Next week both drivers have their Heavy 160 Trophy, yep, we're looking for new tires.....

Best way to make a million in racing, unless you're KyLar, is to start with 2 million....


June 6 - Cookie Heavy Honda Trophy Race


So, in case you missed it, Miss Cookie chose to go to her Heavy Honda trophy race and miss her last performance as ze Pig#3 in Shrek, Jr.  She ran her fastest times in qualifying and qualified 3rd; her redraw put her 4th on the starting grid....  she passed for third and was running there with about 3 laps to go when the leader lapped 4th and then her.  Unfortunately, instead of just passing her, he washed out towards the wall which moved her out of the groove, and the kid behind her used it to get by....she got up to him - and was about to pass him on the last lap - when the car died AGAIN!!  Thankfully, during the week, they found a further problem and fixed it before this past weekend

She had troubles in the Heavy 160 heat race as they let her try out her brother's car....that didn't go well.  So, since she had to start last anyway, they put her back in her own car for the A main; she did finish it and came home 5th....



May 23




I'll start with Cookie...


Her 160 is getting better and better - now we need her to PASS - she is FASTER than at least one of the boys in this division....but she will not pass.... She didn't complete the heat (crew chief was still working on the handling; we can't get to open practice because of when it is held) because she spun three times.  She was holding her own in the A main but spun as the leaders were coming to her (AND her brother was passing for first).....


Her Honda has been troublesome with speed all season - even with a new loaner engine.... and yesterday, it just would not GOOOOOOOO.... it was 'running' but it wasn't really going anywhere....finally, it just quit working.  Turns out that the on/off/ignition switch is bad (the poor crew chief was blaming himself for having something not connected correctly; it was a total accident that the car chief discovered the dead switch)....that will be fixed this week and hopefully fixes the issues completely - in this division, she can definitely compete with 3 of the other 4 drivers....


As for Lil Red - you can see win #3 came in his World Formula - a second perfect points day in the car (won both heat and A main).


















In the Heavy 160 he was passing for first with about 7 to go (leader's car is faster in the short run; Lil Red runs him down on long runs), when, as you saw above, Cookie spun..... on the restart, he tried just a little too hard to take over 1st and scraped the wall (kind of like a Darlington stripe only with the wheels).....set him back a bit and just didn't have the time to get to and pass the leader (he was reeling him in....but, they are literally running 7.4 second laps.... so second again for that car....


We race Friday night this week.  The following weekend is a Sunday trophy race for Cookie in her Heavy Honda.... we are, however, praying for rain so that she can do the extra performance for Shrek, Jr. instead


Mother’s Day


Well, Mama didn't get a win...but 2 seconds from Lil Red and a 4th and a 5th from Cookie...


Cookie's Heavy Honda engine was replaced..... she needs to put more foot in it AND she needs to pass....we'll be reviewing video this Sunday (no racing due to a regional race elsewhere that we are not going to attend)....she thought the other driver was cutting down on her but he wasn' we need to show her what is really happening; she was CLEARLY faster and should have been on the podium.  As for her Heavy 160, we put her in a new chassis and, it does the SAME THING.....this, however, could be because set up should be different (the other car has done what it was doing for YEARS - and no matter what, it didn't this has a few set up changes coming including, maybe, different shocks)....


Lil Red readily admits he got second in both cars because he 'didn't run his line', that means he KNOWS what he has to do to improve it!  The other thing, in his World was that he had to start at the back and fight with another car for about 10 laps before getting around him....once he did, he did gain some on the leader...but would have been better had he run the car where it should be...


As I said, we are off this week (all drivers due to scheduling at the big track, too)..... so Shrek, Jr. practice it will be!!!




May 2



The Awesome

















The good....


Not only did Lil Red win his World Formula A main; he won the heat race, too..... perfect score for the weekend of 100


Then he got 2nd in his Light 160 on old as heck tires compared to all other cars with new ones today….


The bad....


Cookie's Heavy 160 was STILL evil - so it's about to become a scrap heap and the other new to us chassis is being cleaned up this week....for this one, it's an easier switch than Lil Red's - same car make,, chassis just needs a power wash and a quick paint job...then on Friday the crew chief will come home and put it all together


More bad.....


The crew chief got something in his eye after we were done racing and seems to have scratched it a bit...his vision is good; so, some drops and some ibuprofen should do the trick


The UGLY!!!


(and the extremely scary - but, I put it last because, in the end, nothing 'bad' happened....


So, I'm sure you noticed I didn't mention Cookie's Heavy Honda above....well, there's a reason..... it had troubles all through the heat race and then, again, in the A main.....


during the A main, she was coming off the track because of the problems and her throttle hung wide open - and her brakes were completely broken (the brake disc was able to wobble almost an inch after we got to her)..... with all of this happening, while she's supposed to be stopping, the car hung a left into the exit pit lane - the fence is there to separate that pit exit from the pits.... there's a gate there for access for the handlers ... she went THROUGH THESE GATES INTO THE LIVE PIT AREA!  She made a quick left turn to avoid two kids that were playing there - AND to miss the port-a-potties.  It was SCARY!!!  I got to her as they were finally getting her unbuckled..... she was crying and came to me to hug me and stay in my arms while the EMT's checked her over...... she insisted on driving her 160....and she did; until that evil piece of poop spun three times...


She's bruised up on both arms, elbows and one knee....but she played a little football with the boys, ate dinner, did homework and took some ibuprofen.....


I don't mind telling you all..... this one is in the top 2 scares of my racing mama life….


PS...had her car actually gone through the other 'stop' gate.....she would have hit a family celebrating their son's first win in another division…..



April 18



So, I missed the first two heat races as I was getting shot #2 an hour away.....


Lil Red - his first heat was the World formula....came to the green and one of his shocks unscrewed.....yup....end of that race; got last place points (for the heat).  Cookie got third in her Heavy Honda heat and ran her faster lap ever during the heat


The final heat was the Heavy 160 -  Lil Red clipped someone early on and then had to pull off with issues; then Cookie spun out three times (a DQ but technically a DNF for points)


So, yeah, the early part of the day was not very fun....


Then came the A mains!


Lil Red started last in the World Formula and was passing for first with 2 laps left when he got under the leader and the leader spun.... the leader spun on his own and that sent him to the back of the field; Lil Red hung on for the final 2 laps and took the CHECKERED FLAG!!  Lots of excitement.














Cookie was up next in her Heavy Honda for the team.  She was running great and then BOOM - the chain not only fell off, it broke in two pieces... as she was in the pits trying to have that fixed, they realized her brake pedal was broken.  It was just too much to fix in 5 yellow laps - so they pulled her off. She finished 4th but really did have a good shot at 2nd.


Heavy 160 sees both of our drivers competing.  She started 5th and he started 6th.... He picked his way through the field one car at a time (she spun once and went down a lap - but, one of our new scorers is a former quarter midget racer - and all she kept saying was 'how is she not wrecking?  That car is horrible!  How is she hanging on?'  When Cookie came up at the end of the day, Brittney walked over to her and told her how impressed she was with her driving - I wish I could tell you how much that meant to her!!!). He finished 2nd but, after looking like he was catching the leader - and pulling away from third - he seemed to slow or back up.  Well, there was a good reason for ever driven a vehicle without power steering that's supposed to have it?  That's 'kind of' what he was doing - he was driving the car without one of the tie rods attached to the left front axle.... another impressive day for the kid!!


So we came home with a 1, 2, 4, and 6.  Lil Red gave his second place trophy to Cookie because 'she worked so hard today' was very sweet.  The actual trophy (which I didn't even see) for first headed off to our sponsor.... the win sticker got put on the car!


Lots of work to continue this week.... Lil Red's 'new to him' car for the 160 needs paint and then put together.  Cookie's 'evil' car is getting one more chance with some ideas they are throwing at it....


Thanks for being a part of this crazy ride!




April 14 - New chassis…


...actually TWO...


for free!!!  Friend who raced just wants the stuff gone - they need a little work and polishing, but we know the cars.... while a lot of people want 'new' - we have rather enjoyed taking 'legacy cars' and bringing them back to VL


Will update as we go.... they are coming home to us tonight....




Garden State Classic/Opening Weekend


Garden State Classic was our opening weekend event for the 2021 season – reduced to one day because of the weather coming in today (Sunday)….

Day started off overcast but quickly became sunny and a beautiful day for racing. We practiced 3 of the 4 cars because we were very happy with Lil Red’s heavy 160 at the previous practice the weekend before.

Qualifying came and, well, it was a little crazy:

Lil Red’s World Formula was AWESOME! However, on lap 1, the tail cone blew off – which ended with him getting a DQ. So, even though he was 4th fastest (which would have put him outside pole), he had to start at the rear of the field. He was moving and had himself up to third when he was involved in an accident (we won’t get into that further), which sent him back to the back with only a few laps left. He was able to work his way back up to 6th in those few laps. The car and the driver looked really good for their first time out.

In his Heavy 160, he was running a great qualifying set when the hub broke in half on the right rear…. He was in the early laps of the 8 timing laps and, with the time he had, he was 9th fastest – so, again, started at the tail of the field. He would come through the field like a man on a mission and be up to second when he was involved in an incident. He was brought in and sent back out but, as he was moving through the field again, the car stopped. At that point, it was obvious that the motor had moved in a previous incident and that the car just would not be able to finish the race because the gear had been chewed up too badly to allow the chain to stay on. He finished 7th in that race due to two other cars having issues before him.

Cookie timed 5th fastest in Heavy Honda – which, due to the invert, put her on the pole. Unfortunately, after going on the track for the start of the A main, she had to come into the pits. A small metal piece had apparently ‘had enough’ and wouldn’t allow the throttle and carb linkage (hey, I’m not a mechanic – I’m just describing it – LOL) to work right – it was too flimsy to do the job correctly).

In her Heavy 160, while she could have looked better on the laps for qualifying, she timed 7th fastest of 9 cars – and, apparently, won a bet with her crew chief. LOL Her race was not very good – she got behind a car spewing brake fluid at one early on point. Then, because she’s learning the car and, to be honest – not listening about how to put her body while racing – she spun on her own three times; after the third spin, you are marked as a DNF (did not finish) and she ended up 8th of the 9 cars (the brake fluid car was out first)…

So, it wasn’t the weekend we wanted – but it was pretty much how our ‘two day weekends’ go for us….some highlights and end with issues.

We’d like to thank the following for all of their help and support:

Brick City Reconstruction

Stone Creek Shepherds

Chris Puskas


JoAnn Bruns

- we miss you so much and hope that, even though it wasn't the best of days, you had a great seat from heaven to finally see us live.

Christina Ganzer Zambri

Jim Heasley

Al George

and Miss


Nicole's Auto Sales LLC.

Studio 63 Creations

All of our fans and friends and family for their support....we look forward to our season going up from here!!


PS: we are now looking for a new car for Lil Red - unfortunately, he is too tall (yes, my short little man is finally too tall for something) and it is causing issues for him with the brake and the axle....

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